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Fall 2013

Poetry Reading by Srikanth Reddy

Poetry Reading by Srikanth Reddy

Monday, December 1
6:30 pm
The Bridge PAI

Srikanth Reddy is the author of two books of poetry, Facts for Visitors (2004) and Voyager, both published by the University of California Press. His scholarly study, Changing Subjects: Digressions in Modern American Poetry, was published by Oxford University Press in 2012. A recipient of awards and fellowships from the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing, the NEA, and the Creative Capital Foundation, among others, Reddy is currently an associate professor of English at the University of Chicago.

The Outside the Window: Contemporary Poetry at UVA series is co-sponsored by the UVA Contemporary Poetry & Poetics Working Group, The Bridge PAI, The Piedmont Council for the Arts, The UVA English Department, and the IHGC.

Reading by Ron Carlson

Reading by Ron Carlson

Thursday, November 21
8 pm
UVA Bookstore

The UVA Creative Writing Program will be hosting Ron Carlson as their REA Visiting Writer this week. Carlson is a renowned writer of novels and stories.


On Growing Up

On Growing Up

Thursday, November 21
7 pm
Nau Hall Auditorium

On Growing Up, the successor of last year’s On Being Human, is a night of seven short talks by distinguished undergraduate students on what exactly it means to “grow up.” Inspired by TED Talks and Look Hoos Talking, the event is a forum for some of the University’s brightest undergraduates to talk about how they see the world and their place within it. Each talk will be approximately 8 to 10 minutes in length.


Don Michael Randel: How Universities Work

Don Michael Randel: How Universities Work

Friday, November 1
5 pm
Harrison Institute Auditorium

Sponsored by the IHGC and the Music Department


Aleksandar Hemon

Aleksandar Hemon

Monday, October 28
5 pm
Harrison Institute

Born in Bosnia and emigrating during the war in the former Yugoslavia, Hemon came to the United States in the early nineties and began publishing fiction soon after his arrival. He has often contributed to The New Yorker, as well as The Paris Review, The New York Times and The New Republic.

Academy Fight Song

Academy Fight Song

Thomas Frank, author of What’s the Matter with Kansas?, in conversation with John Summers, editor of The Baffler.

Thursday, October 10
5 pm
Nau Hall 101

College is the best thing in the world; college is a complete ripoff. How are these two statements compatible? How can we assess the campus battles
of this era, which are more focused on money than the niceties of Western Civ and Great Books? And what are we to make of the fact that a college
education today fastens the bonds of inescapable indebtedness to an entire generation of students? Presented in partnership with Media Studies.

Human Rights and Human Duties: What Do Human Rights Demand from Individuals

Human Rights and Human Duties: What Do Human Rights Demand from Individuals?

A Lecture by Thomas Pogge

Friday, October 4
4 pm
Clark Hall

Lecture by Thomas Pogge, the Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs and Director of the Global Justice Program at Yale University. His several books include World Poverty and Human Rights: Cosmopolitan Responsibilities and Reforms and Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right: Who Owes What to the Very Poor? His co-authored book, The Health Impact Fund: Making New Medicines Accessible to All, reflects his efforts to make pharmaceuticals more accessible to people in need throughout the world



A Multi-Disciplinary International Conference

Thursday, October 3 and Friday, October 4
all day
Harrison Institute

This conference will examine the nature of cosmopolitanism from several perspectives and with the help of various academic disciplines: history, literature, philosophy, political science and sociology. Appropriately enough, our participants come from several countries all over the world, with a
noticeable presence from Latin America. Our keynote speaker is Thomas Pogge (Yale). Presented in partnership with the Humanities World Report (a project of the Swedish and Dutch Governments) and the Darden School’s Olsson Center for Applied Ethics.

In Conversation with Roland Barthes at the Collège de France:

In Conversation with Roland Barthes at the Collège de France:

A Workshop on his Recently Translated Final Lectures

Wednesday, October 2nd, 4:30pm
English Department Faculty Lounge, Bryan Hall

The Institute of Humanities and Global Cultures and the Theory Group will host a conversation around a selection from the lectures led by Professor of French Philippe Roger (also Director of Studies at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales and Distinguished Global Professor of French at NYU), and Adrienne Ghaly (PhD candidate, NYU).

Interpretation & Its Rivals

A New Literary History Conference

Thursday, September 19 and Friday, September 20
all day
Harrison Institute

The conference, organized by the scholarly journal New Literary History,brings ten internationally known scholars in the humanities and interpretative
social sciences to grounds to address key questions of method and argument. Is interpretation a limited and historically specific practice that is now in
decline? Or, at a time when the humanities are under attack, should we defend interpretation as lying at the very heart of what we do? More information and full schedule >

Sukanta Chaudhuri

Sukanta Chaudhuri

Many Tagores: Travels Through a Variorum Website

Thursday, September 12
2:30 pm
Alderman Library Scholars’ Lab

Professor Chaudhuri is a Professor of English Literature at Jadavpur University and a Digital Humanities scholar. He is the Principle Investigator of the Bichitra: Online Tagore Variorum and is in residence September 9-13 as IHGC Clay Distinguished Visiting Professor.