News & Announcements
Thu Sep 19
4-6 pm | Wilson 142
Fri Sep 20
12-1.30 pm | Wilson 142
Fri Sep 20
9-11 pm | "Bluegrass@UVA" event, held at Crozet Pizza, 20 Elliewood Ave.
Fri Sep 27
12-1.30 pm | Wilson 142
For the 2022-23 academic year, the Institute of the Humanities and Global Cultures is pleased to welcome three new fellows for the academic years of 2023-2025: Mamadou Dia (French and Media Studies), Kevin Driscoll (Media Studies), and Natasha Heller (Religious Studies).
The Institute of the Humaities and Global Cultures is pleased to announce its new Advisory Board. The new board will oversee and advise the IHGC's programming, outreach, and all other related programming. The list of board members can be viewed here.
Seeking IHGC Funding?
Seeking IHGC Funding?
IHGC is pleased to announce that limited funding (up to $500) is available for the co-sponsorship of public events from departments, centers, and research groups at UVA. Requests for funding should include a brief description (2–3 sentences) of the event and how the event fits within IHGC’s mission. Note that IHGC can only fund each department, center, or research group once an academic year, and that requests for funding may exceed the total amount of funding available. For additional information on other funding opportunities thorugh the IHGC, please click here.
Current IHGC Research Initiatives and Networks
The Institute of the Humanities and Global Cultures currently supports a new set of research networks and initiatives. Click here for additional information