University of Virginia, College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

For the Humanities Lecture Series

For the Humanities Lecture Series

This series of events will feature scholars and their work on the ongoing question of futures, possibilities, and affordances within the study and disciplines of the humanities.

To learn more information, email Anne Gilliam ( or Jack Chen (

Spring 2024 Lineup of Events

Thursday, April 4, 2024, 4 pm–6 pm, Wilson 142. For the Humanities and Personhoods Initiative Lecture: “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: Interdisciplinarity and the Humanities Today” by Dixa Ramirez-D’Oleo, Associate Professor of English, Brown University


Fall 2023 Lineup of Events

Oct. 26, 4-6 pm, Wilson 142: "The End of Aesthetic History? Or, Provincializing the Twentieth Century." Lecture by Dr. Eric Hayot, Pennsylvania State University.

Oct. 27, 12-2 pm, Wilson 142: "Seminar, 'Humanist Reason: A History. An Argument. A Plan.'" Seminar with Dr. Eric Hayot, Pennsylvania State University.