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Winter School in South Africa

The IHGC is pleased to participate in the Winter School, a collaborative endeavor spearheaded by the Centre for Humanities Research (CHR).  The CHR describes the Winter School as creating a space for discussion, presentation and response to questions around the humanities, the philosophy of history and the challenges of critical theory. It is also committed to a sustained critical engagement with texts, theory and concepts; to exploring genealogies of thinking and critique; to the consideration of how individual work relates to these concepts and arguments; and to how a/the text reveals itself to individual participants (how it relates to their work). Although sensitive to the possibilities of the present conjuncture of the postapartheid, the Winter School remains committed to think[ing] beyond the geohistorical frameworks of the South African particular.

The 2024 Winter School, centered on the theme of Partition/ non-Partition, was convened in collaboration with the SARChI Chair in Social Change, University of Fort Hare (UFH), the Interdisciplinary Centre for the Study of Global Change (ICGC), University of Minnesota (UM), and the Institute of the Humanities and Global Cultures (University of Virginia).  Read more