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Chatbots like ChatGPT have challenged human exceptionalism: we are no longer the only beings capable of generating language and ideas fluently. But is ChatGPT conscious? Or is it merely engaging in sophisticated mimicry? And what happens in the future if the claims to consciousness are more credible?

In The Line: AI and the Future of Personhood, James Boyle explores what these changes might do to our concept of personhood, to “the line” we believe separates our species from the rest of the world but that also separates “persons” with legal rights from objects.

Join the IHGC Personhood Lab for a Book Talk with James Boyle, cosponsored by the Digitial Humanities Initiative.  Lunch will be provided for those who register by January 29th.  Registrants may also stop by the IHGC to request a FREE COPY of the book while supplies last.

OPEN ACCESS Link to The Line