IHGC Coding Summer Camp 2013

The IHGC invites graduate students in the humanities from all areas of the university to participate in our Coding Summer Camp.
This is not a course for credit. It is entirely free and self-directed, and we welcome all skill levels and time commitments.
Here’s how it works: Starting on June 3, participants will choose a project for the summer. The most basic project would be building a website, like a professional site for your CV. From the choice of project, you would then learn the kind of code necessary to build it. (For a personal website, for example, you’d start off with HTML and CSS.)
The IHGC will provide a community to keep you motivated and accountable, a regular time and place set aside each day for you to work on your project, references and resources, occasional meetings with real live programmers, snacks, and social activities.
All skill levels are welcome! We are thrilled to have those who have never done any coding, who need a refresher, or who want to learn a new programming language.
For more information, please contact Keicy Tolbert >
Monday, June 3
IHGC Coding Summer Camp: First Meeting and Information Session
2-3 pm
Scholars’ Lab Seminar Room (Alderman 423) map >
Sponsoring Org: IHGC