University of Virginia, College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Post-Humanism in the Anthropocene - IHGC Mellon Symposium

December 2, 2016

142 Wilson Hall


Schedule of Events:

9.00 a.m.                      

9.30 a.m.                      
Welcome and Introduction – Enrico Cesaretti

9.45 – 11.00 a.m.          
Panel 1: Questioning Boundaries
Massimo Lollini (Dept. of Romance Languages, University of Oregon), “The Ancient Roots of a Non-Anthropocentric Philosophy: A Pythagorean Perspective”
Monica Seger (Dept. of Modern Languages - Italian, College of William & Mary), “Walking the Land: Toxicity, Transcorporeality and Phytoremediation in Southern Italy”
Louise Westling (Dept. of English and Environmental Studies, University of Oregon), “Merleau-Ponty's Ecophenomenology and Human Enmeshment in the Semiosphere”

11.15 – 12.30 p.m.         
Panel 2: Energies, Ecologies, Matters
Karen Pinkus (Dept. of Italian & Comp. Literature, Cornell University), “Thinking Decarbonization with Italian Autonomia”
Elena Past (Dept. of Classics and Italian, Wayne State University), “Thinking on Foot in the Hydrocarbon Sublime: Sorrentino’s Petrocultures”
Heather Sullivan (Dept. of German & Comp. Literature, Trinity University, “Petro-Texts and Material Ecocriticism”

12.30 – 13.45 p.m.         

14.00 – 15.15 p.m.         
Panel 3: Mediterranean Narratives Between Bios and Zoe
Federico Luisetti (Dept. of Romance Studies - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill), “Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Political Animism”
Damiano Benvegnù (Dept. of French & Italian, Dartmouth College) “How Much Animal There Is in Us: Primo Levi's Animal Testimony”
Pasquale Verdicchio (Dept. of Literature – Italian & Comp. Lit. UCSD), “This Nostrum That is Neither Sea nor Remedy: Mediterranean Re-visions”