University of Virginia, College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Humanities Informatics Lab Final Showcase: Human and Machine Intelligence

September 9, 2020

The Human and Machine Intelligence Group was formed three years ago with a few interested participants. It now has over 100 members with a mixture of faculty, graduate students, undergraduate students, and external members, drawn from nine of UVA's twelve schools. It has hosted more than 65 speakers from 16 universities and research institutes. The Showcase panel features three or our members discussing their HMI related research ranging from Law, through Statistics to Economics. The talks are aimed at a broad audience.



Ashley Deeks, The E. James Kelly, Jr. Class of 1965 Research Professor of Law: “Predicting Enemies” 
Anton Korinek, Associate Professor of Economics: “AI and the Future of Work” 
Dan Spitzner, Associate Professor of Statistics: “Socially-Inclusive Foundations of Statistics” 
Jack Chen, Associate Professor of Chinese Literature, moderator

Homer Statue
12:15 pm - 1:30 pm